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Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language that is designed to build apps for iOS, macOS, Apple TV, and Apple Watch. It’s designed to give developers more freedom than ever before, making it easier to create incredible things.


Swift is fast and efficient, supplying real-time feedback and seamless integration into existing Objective-C code. As a result, developers have more freedom than ever before to write safer, more reliable code that saves time and creates richer app experiences.


Swift was developed by Apple in 2014 as an alternative to Objective-C, which had been in use since 1982. It’s now being taught at universities around the world as an introduction to programming languages.


It integrates seamlessly with current Objective-C code.

•             Great apps built using Swift include 6X faster than Objective-C

•             Up to 8.4X faster than Python 2.7

            10,000 numbers were discovered in a graph using the depth-first search algorithm.

            Educators are incorporating Swift into their curricula.

•             Hybrid App Development


While a native mobile application is written using the native development language and tools specific to that platform, a hybrid app uses web technologies as its core. This is what makes it possible for developers to use a single codebase across multiple platforms.


As such, hybrid apps are much easier to create than native ones. You don't need to learn multiple languages or work within different programming paradigms; all you need is knowledge of HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. This also means that there are fewer bugs in hybrid apps because they don't have to be tested separately on each platform before being released into the wild (or rather onto app stores).


The UI library must be recreated, as with the web-only application solution. This is where solutions such as Ionic, NativeScript, Xamarin, React Native, and others come into play. All these solutions provide strong UI components that appear and feel like their native counterparts, providing you with a complete set of essential components for your hybrid mobile app.



Unless you are developing a high-performance game or another similar application, hybrid mobile app development may be the best option because it provides a simpler development method and cost savings.