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Web portal development is the process of creating a website that provides a single point of access to information and resources. The advantages of web portal development include the ability to provide a centralized location for information and resources, the ability to customize the portal to meet the needs of the users, and the ability to provide a single sign-on for access to multiple applications.


Some advantages of using a web portal include the ability to provide a centralized location for information and resources, the ability to customize the portal to meet the needs of the users, and the ability to provide a single sign-on for access to multiple applications.


                    -Web portals provide a single point of access to a variety of information and services.

                    They are customizable and can be personalized to meet the needs of individual users.

                    Web portals can be used to aggregate content from a variety of sources, making it easier for users to find the information they need.

                    Web portals can provide a single sign-on to access multiple applications, which can save users time and improve security.