property management software is a set of tools that landlords can use to
attract leads, screen tenants, and manage leases. Communication features are
typically provided so managers and tenants can discuss maintenance requests or
deliver global announcements. Finally, rental property management
software includes an accounting component. You'll be able to accept and record
payments, as well as create reports for income, cashflow, expenses, and
other strategic and economic planning concerns.
your entire portfolio's operational, financial, leasing, and maintenance
management in a single database.
Extend the Platform
marketing, leasing, procurement, facilities management, energy management, and
other features to create a comprehensive enterprise solution.
Centralize Data
accuracy and save time by obtaining data for your complete property portfolio
in a single database.
Navigate Smarter
tasks more quickly with user-friendly, Google-style search functions,
favorites, histories, and keyboard shortcuts.
Leading Property Management Software
the power of the most advanced and widely used residential property management
SaaS platform with accounting built in.
Navigate Smarter
tasks more quickly with user-friendly, Google-style search functions,
favorites, histories, and keyboard shortcuts.
Mobilize Access
from anywhere with full access to your data, real-time analytics, and mobile
apps using any mobile device.